Last Updated on February 22, 2024 by Homegrown Florida
Growing traditional veggies in the scorching heat of the Southern summer might lead to disappointment. But fear not, as I bring you 10 tropical alternatives that not only flourish on neglect but also tantalize your taste buds. Let’s explore these heat-loving alternatives that are not only easy to grow but also delicious.
1. Sweet Potatoes Over White Potatoes:
Instead of struggling with white or Irish potatoes in the intense summer heat, opt for sweet potatoes. They thrive in hot and humid weather, providing a perfect alternative with a growing season of 3 to 6 months. Varieties like Hayman offer a white sweet potato, similar to traditional potatoes, especially when not cured.
2. Green Onions Over Bulbing Onions:
Choose green onions, also known as bunching onions or scallions, over bulbing onions. They have a milder taste but still bring that distinct onion flavor. Growing all year round, these onions are easy to cultivate, even from store-bought leftovers.
3. Seminole Pumpkins Over Butternut Squash:
Seminole pumpkins are a heat-loving alternative to butternut squash. Resistant to squash vine borers, these pumpkins produce abundantly in hot climates. Whether grown traditionally or allowed to climb trees, they provide a resilient and tasty choice.
4. Thai Soldier Beans Over Green Beans:
Thai Soldier beans, with their unique appearance, are prolific and taste similar to green beans. Their purplish color adds visual interest, and harvesting them when young ensures a tender and flavorful experience.
5. Whippoorwill Cow Peas Over Black-Eyed Peas:
Whippoorwill cowpeas resemble tiny pinto beans and offer a great alternative to traditional black-eyed peas. Easy to grow without the need for trellises, they are resilient, delicious, and a fantastic addition to your summer garden.
6. Egyptian Spinach Over Traditional Spinach:
Embrace Egyptian spinach for a resilient green alternative. Thriving in the heat, it requires minimal care and provides abundant greens throughout the summer. Despite its different appearance, it cooks down like spinach, offering a familiar taste and texture.
7. Ethiopian Kale Over Regular Kale:
Ethiopian kale is the go-to choice for kale lovers during the summer. Resistant to bugs and bitterness, it maintains its sweet taste and crunchy texture. Perfect for those who enjoy kale but struggle with its typical summer issues.
8. Society Garlic Over Traditional Garlic:
While traditional garlic struggles in the summer, society garlic steps in as a resilient substitute. Thriving all year round, it offers an intense garlic taste. Exercise caution, as it can be overpowering.
9. Luffa Gourd Over Summer Squash:
Luffa gourds, known for making loofah sponges, also serve as a great alternative to summer squash when picked young. Resilient to pests and diseases, they offer a unique texture and taste.
10. Roselle Over Cranberries:
Embrace Roselle for a tropical alternative to cranberries. Used for making cranberry-like jam, these vibrant red calyxes add a burst of flavor and color to your dishes.
11. Mulberry Over Berries:
The Mulberry tree, providing sweet berries similar to blackberries, is a prolific summer plant. Continuously bearing fruit, it stands out as a resilient and tasty addition to your garden.
Exploring these tropical alternatives not only ensures a bountiful harvest but also adds exciting flavors to your summer meals. Experimenting with these alternatives can redefine your gardening experience in the South, making it both enjoyable and delicious. Happy gardening!