Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Homegrown Florida

Today marks the beginning of a brand-new series – The 15 Minute Garden Challenge. Inspired by a viewer’s question on managing a garden amidst a busy life, I’ll be sharing my daily 15-minute garden routine throughout October. So, buckle up, and let’s see how we can make the most of our time in the garden!

Morning Rounds:
Every day, as I take my pups out for their morning business, I embark on my garden rounds. In these precious five minutes, I focus on five key checks:

  1. Watering: Are they looking a bit wilty?
  2. Bug Activity: Any unwelcome guests munching on my plants?
  3. Disease: Spotting any signs of trouble?
  4. Fertilizer Needs: A quick gauge of their nutrient status.
  5. Growth Pattern: Ensuring they’re on track for healthy development.

While out, I also play pollinator with a paintbrush and carry my trusty pruning shears for impromptu harvesting.

Examining my cucumber seedlings, the yellowing leaves signal a need for fertilizer after heavy rain. I keep an eye out for bugs and diseases, making mental notes for future actions. A bit of powdery mildew on tropical squashes doesn’t bother them, so I let nature take its course.

cucumber plant

Post-rounds, I consult my garden calendar for all recurring tasks. It’s the compass guiding me through fertilizing, planting, and dealing with potential issues. Today, I note the upcoming fertilization for cucumbers and a copper spray for tropical squashes.

That’s a wrap for today’s 15-minute garden escapade! This morning routine helps me stay ahead of problems and ensures my garden thrives. Happy gardening!